Read my daybook entry, then go on over to The Simple Woman’s Daybook to find the daybooks of many other simple women and/or add your own.
Outside my window…a nuthatch and goldfinch are sharing breakfast.
I am thinking…that I still have a lot of “catching up” to do after being sick for over a week (and I’m glad I had a good day yesterday)
I am thankful for...antibiotics! ;-)
From the learning room….making sure Boy Wonder is where he needs to be (after a longer than expected hay season (him) and being on the sofa for most of the week (me).
From the kitchen…I am ashamed to admit: HotPockets and coffee. Man has been doing the grocery shopping while I’ve been under the weather…so convenience foods reign supreme right now. Thankfully I had several homemade casseroles in the freezer…so it hasn’t been too bad.
I am wearing…my pj’s (hanging my head in shame); but in my defense, I am on my first cup of coffee!
I am creating…nothing right now and it is killing me….so many wonderful ideas in my head (MUST clean FIRST)
I am going….NOWHERE.
I am reading…my Bible…Jeremiah (too little time for anything else at the moment)
I am hoping…to get back to “normal” by tomorrow.
I am hearing…the washing machine spinning.
Around the house…order is finally appearing after a week + of chaos. (Man tried….)
One of my favorite things…fresh starts.
A few plans for the rest of the week…today: clean and get back into my routine; then back into the studio…
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing…
Have a wonderful, blessed day, and don’t forget to visit: The Simple Woman's Daybook Blog.
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